
For Eternal Beginners

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श्रोत्रम् चक्षुः स्पर्शनम् च रसनम् घ्राणम् एव च ।
अधिष्ठाय मनः चायम् विषयान् उपसेवते ॥ ९ ॥

zrotram cakSuH sparzanam ca rasanam ghrANam eva ca |
adhiSThAya manaH cAyam viSayAn upasevate || 9 ||

अयम् [ayam] This Self अधिष्ठाय [adhiSThAya] employs श्रोत्रम् [zrotram] the ears, चक्षुः [cakSuH] eyes, स्पर्शनम् [sparzanam] skin, रसनम् [rasanam] tongue, घ्राणम् [ghrANam] nose मनः च [manaH ca] and the mind उपसेवते [upasevate] to experience विषयान् [viSayAn] the stimuli in the material world.

The Self employs the six sense organs including the mind. Each organ is suited to sense a stimulus in the environment, like the ear senses sound. The Self works each organ to experience the appropriate stimulus. In this way it experiences sound and other stimuli in the environment.