
For Eternal Beginners

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कामम् आश्रित्य दुष्पूरम् दम्भ मान मदान्विताः ।
मोहात् गृहीत्वाऽसद्ग्राहान् प्रवर्तन्तेऽशुचिव्रताः ॥ १० ॥

kAmam Azritya duSpUram dambha mAna madAnvitAH |
mohAt gRhItvA'sadgrAhAn pravartante'zucivratAH || 10 ||

कामम् आश्रित्य [kAmam Azritya] They place their purpose in their desire, दुष्पूरम् [duSpUram] which is impossible to satisfy. आन्विताः [AnvitAH] They are endowed with दम्भ [dambha] hypocrisy, मान [mAna] self-conceit मद [mada] and arrogance. प्रवर्तन्ते [pravartante] They spend their lives मोहात् [mohAt] in ignorance, गृहीत्व [gRhItva] acquiring असद्ग्राहान् [asadgrAhAn] things that don’t stand by themselves. अशुचिव्रताः [azucivratAH] They don’t come clean in their behavior.

It is impossible to satisfy desire, since it keeps yearning for more. The more difficult something is, the greater is the desire.

This desire combined with ignorance makes them acquire things using inappropriate means. Their conduct goes against the Lord’s instructions. In this way, they don’t come clean in their behavior. They live their lives in hypocrisy, self-conceit and arrogance.