
For Eternal Beginners

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चिन्ताम् अपरिमेयाम् च प्रलयान्ताम् उपाश्रिताः ।
कामोपभोग परमाः एतावत् इति निश्चिताः ॥ ११ ॥

cintAm aparimeyAm ca pralayAntAm upAzritAH |
kAmopabhoga paramAH etAvat iti nizcitAH || 11 ||

[ca] Further, उपाश्रिताः [upAzritAH] they take refuge अपरिमेयाम् चिन्ताम् [aparimeyAm cintAm] in immeasurable worry, प्रलयान्ताम् [pralayAntAm] which extends till the world is destroyed. कामोपभोग [kAmopabhoga] They consider the experience that comes from desire परमाः [paramAH] as the ultimate. निश्चिताः [nizcitAH] They conclude, इति [iti] saying एतावत् [etAvat] ‘this is it’.

They are impatient with life. Though they may die today or tomorrow, they worry without limit. The things they worry about may probably remain unresolved till the end of the world. They have decided - ‘this is it’ - that the fulfilment of desire and its experience is the ultimate goal. This attitude brings conviction that there’s nothing to be achieved beyond this.