
For Eternal Beginners

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इदम् अद्य मया लब्धम् इमम् प्राप्स्ये मनोरथम् ।
इदम् अस्तीदमपि मे भविष्यति पुनर्धनम् ॥ १३ ॥

idam adya mayA labdham imam prApsye manoratham |
idam astIdamapi me bhaviSyati punardhanam || 13 ||

अद्य [adya] ‘Today, इदम् [idam] all this लब्धम् [labdham] is attained मया [mayA] by me’; प्राप्स्ये [prApsye] ‘I will get इमम् मनोरथम् [imam manoratham] whatever I desire’; इदम् धनम् [idam dhanam] ‘All this wealth अस्ति [asti] exists इदम् अपि पुनः भविष्यति [idam api punaH bhaviSyati] and will continue to be acquired मे [me] for me’.

People who disregard the Lord’s instructions believe that all their possessions - a piece of land, a family or a son - are acquired by their own capability. Their belief is - ‘Everything that I achieve is by my ability, not by anything that I can’t perceive. Desires are fulfilled by me, not with anything imperceptible. Wealth is got by my capability - it exists for me. Also, I acquire wealth in future by my capability alone’.