
For Eternal Beginners

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16-14 second part

ईश्वरोऽहम् अहम् भोगी सिद्धोहम् बलवान् सुखी ॥ १४ ॥

Izvaro'ham aham bhogI siddhoham balavAn sukhI || 14 ||

ईश्वरः अहम् [IzvaraH aham] ‘I am the boss. अहम् भोगी [aham bhogI] I enjoy all this. सिद्धः अहम् [siddhaH aham] Single-handed, I accomplish. बलवान् [balavAn] I am powerful. सुखी [sukhI] I am happy’.

‘I am the boss’ - I am answerable to myself, I’m the one who controls others too. ‘I enjoy all this’ - I accumulate and enjoy all this by myself, not with something that’s not perceptible.

‘Single-handed, I accomplish’ - I accomplish my goals on my own, without any imperceptible factors. Further, I am powerful by myself. I am happy by myself.