
For Eternal Beginners

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आढ्योऽभिजनवान् अस्मि कोऽन्योऽस्ति सदृशो मया ।
यक्ष्ये दास्यामि मोदिष्ये इति अज्ञान विमोहिताः ॥ १५ ॥

ADhyo'bhijanavAn asmi ko'nyo'sti sadRzo mayA |
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSye iti ajJAna vimohitAH || 15 ||

अस्मि [asmi] I am आढ्यः [ADhyaH] rich, अभिजनवान् [abhijanavAn] born in a superior race. कः अन्यः अस्ति [kaH anyaH asti] Who else सदृशः [sadRzaH] compares to मया [mayA] me? यक्ष्ये [yakSye] I work hard दास्यामि [dAsyAmi] and donate wealth, मोदिष्ये [modiSye] I enjoy it इति [iti] - in this way, अज्ञान विमोहिताः [ajJAna vimohitAH] they are deluded by ignorance.

‘I am rich on my own. I am born to a superior family by my good fortune. Who in this world is equal to me, with all this self-made wealth? I work hard and donate my wealth. I enjoy it myself’ - they get deluded by such ignorance.

Without acknowledging the Lord’s support, they believe that they persevere, enjoy and donate on their own. This belief comes from ignorance.