
For Eternal Beginners

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अनेक चित्त विभ्रान्ता मोह जाल समावृताः ।
प्रसक्ताः काम भोगेषु पतन्ति नरकेऽशुचौ ॥ १६ ॥

aneka citta vibhrAntA moha jAla samAvRtAH |
prasaktAH kAma bhogeSu patanti narake'zucau || 16 ||

विभ्रान्ताः [vibhrAntAH] They are bewildered अनेक चित्त [aneka citta] by different minds, समावृताः [samAvRtAH] overwhelmed मोह जाल [moha jAla] by the trap of lust. प्रसक्ताः [prasaktAH] Indulging काम भोगेषु [kAma bhogeSu] in their desires and experiences, पतन्ति [patanti] they fall अशुचाउ नरके [azucAu narake] into foul torment.

They are detached from the Lord’s grace and all unseen factors that work with us. They determine that everything can be done by them alone. They are driven helter-skelter with thoughts like ‘I will do it this way’, ‘I must do that or the other one’.

Bewildered by many diverse thoughts and illusions, they are overwhelmed by the trap of lust - they are forcibly drawn to pursue the enjoyment of material desires. In-between all this, they keep dying and experience dreadful torment.