
For Eternal Beginners

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आत्म सम्भाविताः स्तब्धा धन मान मदान्विताः ।
यजन्ते नामयज्ञैः ते दम्भेन अविधिपूर्वकम् ॥ १७ ॥

Atma sambhAvitAH stabdhA dhana mAna madAnvitAH |
yajante nAmayajJaiH te dambhena avidhipUrvakam || 17 ||

आत्म सम्भाविताः [Atma sambhAvitAH] Thinking highly of themselves, स्तब्धाः [stabdhAH] stubborn मदान्विताः [madAnvitAH] with arrogance that comes with धन [dhana] wealth मान [mAna] and pride, यजन्ते [yajante] they sacrifice नाम यज्ञैः [nAma yajJaiH] just to have their name on their endeavors, दम्भ [dambha] and to show off - अविधिपूर्वकम् [avidhipUrvakam] not according to the recommended procedure.

They think highly of themselves and sing their own praise. They are stubborn with the belief that they are right.

How does that happen? They feel that they don’t really need do anything, due to the arrogance that comes from wealth, education and race.

They sacrifice only to have their name on it - adoring the fame that comes with achievement, they pursue only such tasks that earn them a name. Even those tasks are done just to show off that ‘I have done this work’ - they are not done according to the recommended procedure.

Further, they pursue their work in this way -