
For Eternal Beginners

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अहंकारम् बलम् दर्पम् कामम् क्रोधम् च संश्रिताः ।
माम् आत्म परदेहेषु प्रद्विषन्तोऽ भ्यसूयकाः ॥ १८ ॥

ahaMkAram balam darpam kAmam krodham ca saMzritAH |
mAm Atma paradeheSu pradviSanto' bhyasUyakAH || 18 ||

संश्रिताः [saMzritAH] They stay in कामम् [kAmam] desire क्रोधम् च [krodham ca] and anger, अहंकारम् [ahaMkAram] believing that they make everything happen बलम् [balam] by the strength of their own capability, दर्पम् [darpam] which they believe has no equal. प्रद्विषन्तः [pradviSantaH] They hate माम् [mAm] Me आत्म [Atma] in themselves परदेहेषु [paradeheSu] and in others. अभ्यसूयकाः [abhyasUyakAH] They keep finding faults.

They continue to stay in the arrogance that says ‘I accomplish everything without needing any help or support’. They take refuge in the belief that their strength alone is sufficient, to complete every activity they initiate. Hence, they feel there is no equal to them.

Given all this, they think their desire entitles them to their achievements. They set out to destroy everything that causes their dislike - that’s their anger.

With such arrogance, these people cultivate hatred for Me - even though I am present in their own body and inside the bodies of others, even though I am the supreme person, who causes anything to be done.

They find faults - They invent faults in Me with misleading arguments, pursuing everything they want without tolerating My presence.