
For Eternal Beginners

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तानहम् द्विषतः क्रूरान् संसारेषु नराधमान् ।
क्षिपामि अजस्रम् अशुभान् आसुरेष्वेव योनिषु ॥ १९ ॥

tAnaham dviSataH krUrAn saMsAreSu narAdhamAn |
kSipAmi ajasram azubhAn AsureSveva yoniSu || 19 ||

द्विषतः [dviSataH] Those who hate, क्रूरान् [krUrAn] who are harsh, अशुभान् [azubhAn] who are unpleasant - नराधमान् [narAdhamAn] they are the lowest संसारेषु [saMsAreSu] among all material beings. अहम् [aham] I क्षिपामि [kSipAmi] cast तान् [tAn] them अजस्रम् [ajasram] repeatedly योनिषु [yoniSu] into the wombs आसुरेषु एव [AsureSu eva] of people who disregard My instruction.

Those who have hatred for me in this way are the lowest among all beings of this world. They turn out to be harsh and unpleasant. I repeatedly throw them in this world - full of change in the form of birth, old age and death in sequels. Even within this world, I cast them into births that are hostile to anything that’s favorable to Me.

In summary, the Lord says - ‘I Myself associate them with harsh people, whose intellect causes them to exist that way, in line with their past deeds and limited knowledge’.