
For Eternal Beginners

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16-1 to 16-3

श्री भगवान् उवाच -
अभयम् सत्त्व सम्शुद्धिः ज्ञानयोग व्यवस्थितिः ।
दानम् दमः च यज्ञः च स्वाध्यायः तप आर्जवम् ॥ १ ॥
अहिंसा सत्यम् अक्रोधः त्यागः शान्तिः अपैशुनम् ।
दया भूतेषु अलोलुप्त्वम् मार्दवम् ह्रीः अचापलम् ॥ २ ॥
तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचम् अद्रोहो नातिमानिता ।
भवन्ति सम्पदम् दैवीम् अभिजातस्य भारत ॥ ३ ॥

zrI bhagavAn uvAca -
abhayam sattva samzuddhiH jJAnayoga vyavasthitiH |
dAnam damaH ca yajJaH ca svAdhyAyaH tapa Arjavam || 1 ||
ahiMsA satyam akrodhaH tyAgaH zAntiH apaizunam |
dayA bhUteSu aloluptvam mArdavam hrIH acApalam || 2 ||
tejaH kSamA dhRtiH zaucam adroho nAtimAnitA |
bhavanti sampadam daivIm abhijAtasya bhArata || 3 ||

श्री भगवान् उवाच [zrI bhagavAn uvAca] The Lord said - भारत [bhArata] Arjuna, सम्पदम् [sampadam] the characteristics अभिजातस्य [abhijAtasya] of a person who is born दैवीम् [daivIm] into the Lord’s principles भवन्ति [bhavanti] are: अभयम् [abhayam] Freedom from fear; सत्त्व सम्शुद्धिः [sattva samzuddhiH] A clear mind; ज्ञानयोग व्यवस्थितः [jJAnayoga vyavasthitaH] Settled in the knowledge of the Self; दानम् [dAnam] Generosity; दमः [damaH] Control over the organs; यज्ञः [yajJaH] Worship of the Lord; स्वाध्यायः [svAdhyAyaH] Recitation of the scriptures; तपः [tapaH] Dedication of thought into performance; आर्जव [Arjava] Consistency in thought, speech and action; अहिंसा [ahiMsA] Intolerance towards violence; सत्यम् [satyam] Saying it ‘as it is’, in a way that’s beneficial; अक्रोधः [akrodhaH] Freedom from anger; त्यागः [tyAgaH] Leaving things that don’t benefit the Self; शान्तिः [zAntiH] Being content with the Self; अपैशुनम् [apaizunam] Not speaking ill of others; भूतेषु दया [bhUteSu dayA] Compassion towards all beings; अलोलुप्त्वम् [aloluptvam] Without attachments in material subjects; मार्दवम् [mArdavam] Without being harsh; ह्रीः [hrIH] Modesty; अचापलम् [acApalam] Unwavering; तेजः [tejaH] The brilliance of leadership; क्षमा [kSamA] Forgiveness; धृतिः [dhRtiH] Resolve; शोउचम् [zoucam] Cleanliness; अद्रोहः [adrohaH] Being without putting another at a disadvantage; नातिमानिता [nAtimAnitA] Being without inappropriate pride.

The commentary explains each of the above characteristics.

Freedom from fear. Fear is a discomfort that’s experienced when we imagine the sadness of undesirable happenings- being separated from what we love and being associated with what we hate. The absence of this fear is the characteristic of being ‘free from fear’.

‘A clear mind’ comes from focusing the mind inwards, losing attachment to the qualities of rajas and tamas .

This person ‘Settles in the knowledge of the Self’ by dedicating to realize the Self and distinguish it from the environment.

‘Generosity’ is to give away our earnings to those who deserve it.

‘Control over our organs’ comes from the regular practice of bringing the mind away from its pre-occupation with material subjects.

‘Worship of the Lord’ is about doing our duties without attachment to results, purely as worship to please the Lord.

The characteristic of ‘reciting the scriptures’ comes from the awareness that they describe the Lord with all His wealth and power, along with the methods to worship Him.

‘Dedicating thought into performance’ is about performing tough tasks and gaining the ability to please the Lord.

‘Consistency in thought, speech and action’ is to commit the same in thought, speech and action towards others.

Being ‘intolerant towards violence’ is to abandon hurting others.

‘Satya’ is about saying it ‘as it is’, in a way that’s beneficial. This comes from saying what we have come to infer, saying it in a way that’s beneficial to all beings.

‘Freedom from anger’ is to free the mind of the deformity that makes a goal out of hurting others.

Leaving things that don’t benefit the Self – is the character of giving up distractions that don’t benefit our Self.

‘Being content with the Self’ comes from the practice of restraining our organs from their tendency to go behind material things.

The virtue of ‘not speaking ill of others’ is about restraining statements that cause harm to others.

‘Compassion towards all beings’ comes from not tolerating sorrow in anyone.

We are ‘without attachments in material subjects’ when we don’t crave for material experiences, nor do we cling on to them.

‘Not being harsh’ gives eligibility to connect with virtuous people.

‘Prudence’ is about being embarrassed to do things that are not to be done.

‘Unwavering’ is when we don’t lose focus even in the presence of distracting attractions.

The ‘the brilliance of leadership’ is to be without subjugation in the face of opposition.

‘Forgiveness’ is to be free of agitation, even when we perceive others inflicting discomfort upon us - without being vindictive towards them.

‘Resolve’ is to affirm with determination – we do things that are to be done and reject those that are not, even in the face of great obstacles.

‘Cleanliness’ is to tune our external and internal organs to be devoted to the Lord, as instructed by Him in the scriptures.

We ‘do not work to put another at a disadvantage’ when we don’t become obstacles to others - when we don’t obstruct the expression of their free will.

Arrogance is inappropriate pride. Freedom from arrogance is to be without pride when it’s not deserved.

A person born with the qualities associated with a ‘deva’ would have the above properties. A ‘deva’ is one who intends to work according to the Lord’s principles. Such a person’s character is to follow the instructions of the Lord. A person ‘born into’ these characteristics is determined to dedicate his life to these principles. The purpose of such a person’s life is to accomplish the above principles as the Lord’s command.

Isn’t it tough to follow the Lord’s instructions?