
For Eternal Beginners

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त्रिविधम् नरकस्येदम् द्वारम् नाशनम् आत्मनः ।
कामः क्रोधः तथा लोभः तस्मात् एतत् त्रयम् त्यजेत् ॥ २१ ॥

trividham narakasyedam dvAram nAzanam AtmanaH |
kAmaH krodhaH tathA lobhaH tasmAt etat trayam tyajet || 21 ||

इदम् त्रिविधम् [idam trividham] These are the three types of द्वारम् [dvAram] doors आत्मनः [AtmanaH] to your own नरकस्य [narakasya] torment नाशनम् [nAzanam] and destruction - काम [kAma] lust, क्रोधः [krodhaH] anger तथा [tathA] and लोभः [lobhaH] greed. तस्मात् [tasmAt] That’s why त्यजेत् [tyajet] you must leave एतत् त्रयम् [etat trayam] these three.

The tendency to disregard the Lord is torture. This torture has three doors of entry - lust, anger and greed. The nature of these three has already been elaborated. Entering them leads to self-destruction, preventing the Self from achieving its true form.

We can choose to stop torturing ourselves.

These ‘doors’ represent the paths we choose. That’s why we must leave these three paths of torment. Keep lust, anger and greed at good distance, don’t let them close.