
For Eternal Beginners

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यः शास्त्र विधिम् उत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारतः ।
न स सिद्धिम् अवाप्नोति न सुखम् न पराम् गतिम् ॥ २३ ॥

yaH zAstra vidhim utsRjya vartate kAmakArataH |
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukham na parAm gatim || 23 ||

यः [yaH] The person who उत्सृज्य [utsRjya] ignores शास्त्र विधिम् [zAstra vidhim] the imperatives in the scriptures वर्तते [vartate] and exists कामकारतः [kAmakArataH] to run behind his desires सः सिद्धिम् न अवाप्नोति [saH siddhim na avApnoti] does not accomplish fulfilment, न सुखम् [na sukham] nor is he happy, न पराम् गतिम् [na parAm gatim] nor does he reach the ultimate goal .

The imperatives in the scriptures are My instructions, written in the Vedas. The person who ignores them and goes behind his desires will stay by his own rules. In such a state, a person does not accomplish fulfilment, even in the material world. This person does not gain any comfort, nor does he attain the ultimate goal .