
For Eternal Beginners

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तस्मात् शास्त्रम् प्रमाणम् ते कार्याकार्य व्यवस्थितौ ।
ज्ञात्वा शास्त्र विधानोक्तम् कर्म कर्तुम् इहार्हसि ॥ २४ ॥

tasmAt zAstram pramANam te kAryAkArya vyavasthitau |
jJAtvA zAstra vidhAnoktam karma kartum ihArhasi || 24 ||

तस्मात् [tasmAt] Hence, शास्त्रम् [zAstram] the scriptures ते प्रमाणम् [te pramANam] are your authority व्यवस्थितौ [vyavasthitau] in distinguishing कार्य अकार्य [kArya akArya] actions that must and must not be done. ज्ञात्वा [jJAtvA] Knowing विधान [vidhAna] the rules उक्तम् [uktam] as told शास्त्र [zAstra] in the scriptures, अर्हसि [arhasi] you qualify कर्म कर्तुम् [karma kartum] to work इह [iha] here.

The scriptures are the authority in calling out actions that must and must not be done - actions that help in achieving your excellence and those that do not.

These scriptures are elaborated in epics like The Ramayana, The Mahabharata and the stories of The Puranas that explain the Vedas. These scriptures describe the Lord as the Supreme Person, the ultimate entity. They teach actions that please this Supreme Person and aid in achieving Him.

Know the concepts in these scriptures and the actions they prescribe. Know them as they are, not more, not less. Knowing them in this way, you qualify to work accordingly.