
For Eternal Beginners

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अफलाकांक्षिभिः यज्ञो विधि दृष्टो य इज्यते ।
यष्टव्यम् एवेति मनः समाधाय स सात्विकः ॥ ११ ॥

aphalAkAMkSibhiH yajJo vidhi dRSTo ya ijyate |
yaSTavyam eveti manaH samAdhAya sa sAtvikaH || 11 ||

यः यज्ञः [yaH yajJaH] The worship इज्यते [ijyate] that is offered in devotion, अफलाकांक्षिभिः [aphalAkAMkSibhiH] devoid of expectations, विधि दृष्टः [vidhi dRSTaH] done with consideration to the methods in the scriptures, मनः समाधाय [manaH samAdhAya] with the mind being content यष्टव्यम् एव इति [yaSTavyam eva iti] that ‘I just need to worship’ - सः सात्विकः [saH sAtvikaH] This worship is in sattva.

A purpose of devotion brings knowledge and well-being.

In the quality of sattva , worship is done without binding it to expectations. It is done with the hymns, material and activities shown in the scriptures. The purpose of this worship is worship itself. The worship that is offered in devotion to the Lord, with the mind content with the thought ‘I just need to worship’ - this is worship done in the quality of sattva .