For Eternal Beginners
अभिसंधाय तु फलम् दम्भार्थम् अपि चैव यत् ।
इज्यते भरत श्रेष्ठ तम् यज्ञम् विद्धि राजसम् ॥ १२ ॥
abhisaMdhAya tu phalam dambhArtham api caiva yat |
ijyate bharata zreSTha tam yajJam viddhi rAjasam || 12 ||
भरत श्रेष्ठ
[bharata zreSTha]
Arjuna, यत् यज्ञम्
[yat yajJam]
worship that is इज्यते
performed अभिसंधाय
with attachment towards फलम्
expectations अपि च
[api ca]
or even just दम्भार्थम्
to show-off - तम् विद्धि
[tam viddhi]
know that to be राजसम्
in the quality of
Any other purpose brings restlessness.
Know that worship performed by people with expectations and attachments, to show-off, with the sole purpose of gaining fame is done in the quality of rajas .