For Eternal Beginners
अनुद्वेगकरम् वाक्यम् सत्यम् प्रिय हितम् च यत् ।
स्वाध्यायाभ्यसनम् चैव वाक् मयम् तप उच्यते ॥ १५ ॥
anudvegakaram vAkyam satyam priya hitam ca yat |
svAdhyAyAbhyasanam caiva vAk mayam tapa ucyate || 15 ||
यत् वाक्यम्
[yat vAkyam]
A sentence that अनुद्वेगकरम्
doesn’t cause agitation, सत्यम्
is authentic, प्रिय
liked च
and हितम्
comforting, स्वाध्यायाभ्यसनम् चैव
[svAdhyAyAbhyasanam caiva]
with a study of the Self built into it उच्यते
- this is known as तप
discipline वाक् मयम्
[vAk mayam]
of speech.
A sentence that doesn’t cause agitation to another, which is authentic, liked and comforting, constructed in pursuit of the Self - this is the discipline of speech.