
For Eternal Beginners

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सत्कार मान पूजार्थम् तपो दम्भेन चैव यत् ।
क्रियते तत् इह प्रोक्तम् राजसम् चलम् अध्रुवम् ॥ १८ ॥

satkAra mAna pUjArtham tapo dambhena caiva yat |
kriyate tat iha proktam rAjasam calam adhruvam || 18 ||

यत् तपः [yat tapaH] Discipline that’s क्रियते [kriyate] practiced पूजार्थम् [pUjArtham] to be revered, दम्भेन [dambhena] to gain fame, सत्कार [satkAra] respect, मान [mAna] pride दम्भेन एव च [dambhena eva ca] and with the only aim of showing-off तत् [tat] - such discipline इह प्रोक्तम् [iha proktam] here is said to be राजसम् [rAjasam] in the quality of rajas . चलम् [calam] It is perishable अध्रुवम् [adhruvam] and unstable.

‘Respect’ is the regard in people’s minds. ‘Pride’ comes from spoken praise. ‘Being revered’ is when people show respect, by bowing down for instance.

When discipline is practiced to show-off, expecting enhanced respect, praise and reverence, it is said to be in the quality of rajas . Such discipline is practiced to accomplish goals like prosperity and comfort, so it’s perishable - The fact that it’s associated with the fear of losing whatever is gained makes it perishable. It is unstable, since it wears out over time.