
For Eternal Beginners

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दातव्यम् इति यत् दानम् दीयते अनुपकारिणे ।
देशे काले च पात्रे च तत् दानम् सात्विकम् स्मृतम् ॥ २० ॥

dAtavyam iti yat dAnam dIyate anupakAriNe |
deze kAle ca pAtre ca tat dAnam sAtvikam smRtam || 20 ||

यत् दानम् दीयते [yat dAnam dIyate] Possessions that are given पात्रे [pAtre] to the deserving अनुपकारिणे [anupakAriNe] who have not been of favor or assistance, देशे काले च [deze kAle ca] at the appropriate place and time, दातव्यम् इति [dAtavyam iti] with conviction तत् दानम् [tat dAnam] - This charity स्मृतम् [smRtam] is known सात्विकम् [sAtvikam] to be in the quality of sattva .

When we give to those who deserve, even though they have not been of favor or assistance, we aren’t bogged down by expectations. When we give at the appropriate time and place, with the conviction that the charity is suitable, it is known to be in the quality of sattva .