
For Eternal Beginners

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सद्भावे साधु भावे च सदिति एतत् प्रयुज्यते ।
प्रशस्ते कर्मणि तथा सत् शब्दः पार्थ युज्यते ॥ २६ ॥

sadbhAve sAdhu bhAve ca saditi etat prayujyate |
prazaste karmaNi tathA sat zabdaH pArtha yujyate || 26 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, एतत् [etat] this सत् इति [sat iti] sound of ‘sat’ प्रयुज्यते [prayujyate] fits सद्भावे [sadbhAve] in the belief of existence [ca] and साधुभावे [sAdhubhAve] in the opinion that something is favorable. तथा [tathA] Further, सत् शब्दः [sat zabdaH] the ‘sat’ sound युज्यते [yujyate] is linked प्रशस्ते कर्मणि [prazaste karmaNi] in praiseworthy actions.

That purpose exists and it always brings excellence.

The ‘belief of existence’ happens when we sense or foresee the existence of something. The ‘opinion that something is favorable’ comes from the belief that it would bring benefit.

This usage of the word ‘sat’ fits all situations of this world. The Vedas use it in this way as well. It is used to express excellence in the favorable actions prescribed by the Lord.