
For Eternal Beginners

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यजंते सात्त्विका देवान् यक्ष रक्षांसि राजसाः ।
प्रेतान् भूतगणान् चान्ये यजन्ते तामसाः जनाः ॥ ४ ॥

yajaMte sAttvikA devAn yakSa rakSAMsi rAjasAH |
pretAn bhUtagaNAn cAnye yajante tAmasAH janAH || 4 ||

सात्त्विकाः [sAttvikAH] People in whom sattva is predominant यजंते [yajaMte] devote themselves to देवान् [devAn] those who follow the Lord’s instructions. राजसाः [rAjasAH] People who have a predominance of rajas go behind यक्ष रक्षांसि [yakSa rakSAMsi] illusive powers, which they believe will guard and protect them. अन्ये जनाः [anye janAH] Other people तामसाः [tAmasAH] with tamas यजन्ते [yajante] get devoted to प्रेतान् [pretAn] the deceased भूतगणान् च [bhUtagaNAn ca] spirits and other superstitions.

Our past gives the qualities of our body and our outlook to life.

People with a predominance of sattva have the serene type of focus . With this, they devote themselves to those who follow the Lord’s instructions. This focus is free from sorrow. It provides superior joy. This type of focus is ‘serene’ focus and it goes with sattva.

People with a predominance of rajas go behind power that appears to guard and protect them from the undesirable. This is the resourceful type of focus , which has some joy mixed with difficulties.

Those with a predominance of tamas get devoted to spirits and other forms of superstitions. This lazy type of focus is high on sorrow with very little joy.

The scriptures specify rules and activities for people having a predominance of any of the three qualities . Performing accordingly with focus brings outcomes, which are according to their qualities as described above - when the activities don’t go against the scriptures.

On the other hand, even activities such as charity, penance and rituals do not yield any well-being when they are performed in disregard of the scriptures - they go against The Lord’s instructions. Next, the Lord clarifies His opinion, firm at heart - that such activities are disastrous.

Given an outlook, we can choose to live in reality or live in vain.