
For Eternal Beginners

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आयुः सत्व बलारोग्य सुख प्रीति विवर्धनः ।
रस्याः स्निग्धाः स्थिरा हृद्या आहाराः सात्त्विक प्रियाः ॥ ८ ॥

AyuH satva balArogya sukha prIti vivardhanaH |
rasyAH snigdhAH sthirA hRdyA AhArAH sAttvika priyAH || 8 ||

प्रियाः आहाराः [priyAH AhArAH] The favorite food सात्त्विक [sAttvika] of people in the sattva quality विवर्धनः [vivardhanaH] enhances आयुः [AyuH] longevity; सत्व [satva] it enhances the mind, बल [bala] its strength, आरोग्य [Arogya] health, सुख [sukha] well-being प्रीति [prIti] and love. रस्याः [rasyAH] They are tasty, स्निग्धाः [snigdhAH] being mild and smooth, स्थिराः [sthirAH] preserving हृद्याः [hRdyAH] and provide comfort to the mind.

Food builds our body and the qualities in it.

Those who have chosen to be in sattva prefer food that is made in the quality of sattva . Any food made in sattva contributes to longevity, further enhancing the quality of sattva .

Sattva is the seat of thought and experience. The knowledge that contributes to the realization of our Self is called sattva here. It was said in 14-17: ‘From sattva , knowledge arises’. Since sattva causes knowledge to be enriched, food that is made in sattva also contributes to enriching our knowledge.

Further, it enhances strength and keeps us healthy. It brings love and well-being as well - When it is digested in the body, it automatically contributes to our well-being. Then, by initiating work that brings love, it enhances love too.

Such food is tasty - having fluids that are pleasant to taste. They are mild and smooth - buttery for example. They are preserving - their effect on us is stable. They provide comfort to the mind - they are pleasing to the eyes. A person in sattva prefers these foods, which are made in the quality of sattva .