
For Eternal Beginners

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तत्रैवम् सति कर्तारम् आत्मानम् केवलम् तु यः ।
पश्यति अकृतबुद्धित्वात् न स पश्यति दुर्मतिः ॥ १६ ॥

tatraivam sati kartAram AtmAnam kevalam tu yaH |
pazyati akRtabuddhitvAt na sa pazyati durmatiH || 16 ||

एवम् सति [evam sati] This being the case, यः [yaH] the one who तु पश्यति [tu pazyati] still considers आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] himself कर्तारम् केवलम् [kartAram kevalam] as the sole doer तत्र [tatra] here दुर्मतिः [durmatiH] is ignorant. न स पश्यति [na sa pazyati] This person does not see things in their true form अकृत बुद्धित्वात् [akRta buddhitvAt] due to an immature intellect.

As explained in the previous Shloka, the Self has ‘doer-ship’ with the Lord’s permission. Despite this, a person who believes that he alone makes things happen is ignorant - his understanding goes against reality. This comes from an incomplete understanding of the world. He doesn’t see things in their true form - he doesn’t see the ‘doer’ as it is.