
For Eternal Beginners

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पृथक्त्वेन तु यत् ज्ञानम् नानाभावान् पृथक् विधान् ।
वेत्ति सर्वेषु भूतेषु तत् ज्ञानम् विद्धि राजसम् ॥ २१ ॥

pRthaktvena tu yat jJAnam nAnAbhAvAn pRthak vidhAn |
vetti sarveSu bhUteSu tat jJAnam viddhi rAjasam || 21 ||

तु [tu] On the other hand, ज्ञानम् यत् [jJAnam yat] there’s knowledge, which वेत्ति [vetti] recognizes नानाभावान् [nAnAbhAvAn] different attitudes पृथक् विधान् सर्वेषु [pRthak vidhAn sarveSu] among all the different types भूतेषु [bhUteSu] of beings, पृथक्त्वेन [pRthaktvena] due to their variety. विद्धि [viddhi] Know that तत् ज्ञानम् [tat jJAnam] such knowledge राजसम् [rAjasam] is in the quality of rajas .

There is great variety in all beings - distinguished by profession, like being a teacher; or by color; by being tall or short and so on. There is a certain understanding that considers the Self as being subject to this variety - distinguished by characteristics built out of association with outcomes.

Such knowledge considers the Self to be defined by association with the outcome of its actions. When you realize this at the time of authoring an action, your knowledge is in the quality of rajas .