
For Eternal Beginners

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नियतम् संगरहितम् अराग द्वेषतः कृतम् ।
अफल प्रेप्सुना कर्म यत् तत् सात्विकम् उच्यते ॥ २३ ॥

niyatam saMgarahitam arAga dveSataH kRtam |
aphala prepsunA karma yat tat sAtvikam ucyate || 23 ||

कर्म [karma] Activity यत् कृतम् [yat kRtam] that’s carried out नियतम् [niyatam] with self-governance, संग रहितम् [saMga rahitam] free from attachment, अराग द्वेषतः [arAga dveSataH] without desire or hatred अफल प्रेप्सुना [aphala prepsunA] by a person who is not driven by the outcome - तत् [tat] such action उच्यते [ucyate] is said to be सात्विकम् [sAtvikam] in the quality of sattva .

Our intention leads to activity.

‘Self-governance’ is about performing according to our role in society and our stage in life.

Being ‘free from attachment’ is to let go of possessiveness towards our activity, along with their outcomes and the misconception of making things happen.

Performing without desire or hatred – This is about performing without being driven by the craving for credit, or the aversion towards discredit. It’s about performance without hypocrisy.

‘Not being driven by the outcome’ is to avoid keeping the outcome as our purpose. It’s about avoiding attachment to the outcome.

Activity that’s performed in this manner, with just the simple attitude that ‘It needs to be done’ is said to be in the quality of sattva .