
For Eternal Beginners

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रागी कर्मफल प्रेप्सुः लुब्धो हिंसात्मकः अशुचि ।
हर्ष शोकान्वितः कर्ता राजसः परिकीर्तितः ॥ २७ ॥

rAgI karmaphala prepsuH lubdho hiMsAtmakaH azuci |
harSa zokAnvitaH kartA rAjasaH parikIrtitaH || 27 ||

रागी [rAgI] A passionate person प्रेप्सुः [prepsuH] is anxious to secure कर्म फल [karma phala] the outcome of activity. लुब्धः [lubdhaH] He is stingy हिंसात्मकः [hiMsAtmakaH] and troubles others अशुचिः [azuciH] with his foul nature. कर्ता [kartA] He is a doer अन्वितः [anvitaH] defined by हर्ष [harSa] happiness शोक [zoka] and sorrow. परिकीर्तितः [parikIrtitaH] Such a person is said to be राजसः [rAjasaH] in the quality of rajas .

A passionate person yearns to become famous, always anxious to secure the outcome of activity. He is stingy - he isn’t willing to incur the expenditure needed for his work. He gets his work done from others by troubling them.

He is bogged down by expectations and doesn’t have the purity of working without attachment. This gives him a foul nature.

He is defined by happiness and sorrow - in activities such as war, he is a doer who goes by achievements like victory and failures like defeat. This person is said to be in the quality of rajas .