
For Eternal Beginners

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त्याज्यम् दोषवत् इत्येके कर्म प्राहुः मनीष्णः ।
यज्ञ दान तपः कर्म न त्याज्यम् इति चापरे ॥ ३ ॥

tyAjyam doSavat ityeke karma prAhuH manISNaH |
yajJa dAna tapaH karma na tyAjyam iti cApare || 3 ||

एके मनीषिणः [eke manISiNaH] Some people प्राहुः [prAhuH] say that त्याज्यम् [tyAjyam] we need to leave कर्म [karma] actions, दोषवत् [doSavat] since flaws are inherent in them. अपरे च [apare ca] Others इति [iti] say that कर्म [karma] actions of यज्ञ [yajJa] worship, दान [dAna] charity तपः [tapaH] and discipline न त्याज्यम् [na tyAjyam] are not to be given up.

Some people, such as the followers of the Sage Kapila say that those who aim for Moksha must let go of all activities, including the rituals that worship the Lord - That’s because actions are associated with flaws that bind us, in the form of desires and expectations. Other learned people say that we must not give up these activities.