
For Eternal Beginners

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18-36 first part

सुखम् तु इदानीम् त्रिविधम् शृणु मे भरतर्षभ ।

sukham tu idAnIm trividham zRNu me bharatarSabha |

भरतर्षभ [bharatarSabha] Arjuna, सुखम् [sukham] the happiness that comes from them तु त्रिविधम् [tu trividham] is also of three types. शृणु [zRNu] Hear it मे [me] from Me ईदानीम् [IdAnIm] now.

Activities are done in the pursuit of happiness.

Next, listen to the distinctions made by the three qualities in ‘happiness’, which is the purpose of all the knowledge, actions, doers, intellect and resolve described up until now.