
For Eternal Beginners

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18-36 second part

अभ्यासात् रमते यत्र दुःखान्तम् च निगच्छति ॥ ३६ ॥

abhyAsAt ramate yatra duHkhAntam ca nigacchati || 36 ||

यत्र [yatra] There is happiness in which निगच्छति [nigacchati] a person attains दुःखान्तम् [duHkhAntam] the end of sorrow [ca] and रमते [ramate] enjoys अभ्यासात् [abhyAsAt] repeatedly.

There is happiness, in which a person gradually obtains unsurpassed enjoyment. That experience repeats over a long period of time. In this happiness, a person attains the end of all the sorrows and difficulties of this world.

The Lord specifies this happiness further -