
For Eternal Beginners

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विषयेन्द्रिय संयोगात् यत्तत् अग्रे अमृतोपमम् ।
परिणामे विषम् इव तत् सुखम् राजसम् स्मृतम् ॥ ३८ ॥

viSayendriya saMyogAt yattat agre amRtopamam |
pariNAme viSam iva tat sukham rAjasam smRtam || 38 ||

यत्तत् [yattat] The happiness that अमृतोपमम् [amRtopamam] seems like bliss अग्रे [agre] at first, संयोगात् [saMyogAt] bringing together विषय इन्द्रिय [viSaya indriya] our organs and their subjects, परिणामे [pariNAme] ripens to become विषम् इव [viSam iva] like poison तत् सुखम् [tat sukham] - such happiness स्मृतम् [smRtam] is known to be राजसम् [rAjasam] in rajas .

At first, when we begin to experience with our senses, contact with desirable subjects feels like bliss.

It ripens to become like poison. There needs to be a motive for our organs to enjoy. For example, to enjoy food there must be hunger. When the motivation is gone, the experience will saturate and seem poisonous.

Such happiness is known to be in rajas .