
For Eternal Beginners

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शौर्यम् तेजो धृतिः दाक्ष्यम् युद्धे चापि अपलायनम् ।
दानम् ईश्वरभावः च क्षात्रम् कर्म स्वभावजम् ॥ ४३ ॥

zauryam tejo dhRtiH dAkSyam yuddhe cApi apalAyanam |
dAnam IzvarabhAvaH ca kSAtram karma svabhAvajam || 43 ||

शौर्यम् [zauryam] Valor, तेजः [tejaH] energy, धृतिः [dhRtiH] resolve, दाक्ष्यम् [dAkSyam] fitness [ca] and अपलायनम् [apalAyanam] staying युद्धे अपि [yuddhe api] even during war; दानम् [dAnam] charity [ca] and ईश्वर भावः [Izvara bhAvaH] the ability to dominate - क्षात्रम् कर्म [kSAtram karma] these are an administrator’s activities स्वभावजम् [svabhAvajam] born out of inherent nature.

‘Valor’ is the ability to enter a battle without fear.

‘Energy’ is about being undefeated by anything.

‘Resolve’ is the ability to finish work that is begun, even in the face of obstacles.

‘Fitness’ is the capability to deliver any activity.

‘Staying even during war’ is to remain without running away, even when death is certain in war.

‘Charity’ is to give with the goal of making our wealth belong to others.

‘The ability to dominate’ is the ability to control everyone other than ourselves.

…An administrator’s inherent nature brings out these activities.