
For Eternal Beginners

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स्वे स्वे कर्मणि अभिरतः संसिद्धिम् लभते नरः ।
स्वकर्म निरतः सिद्धिम् यथा विन्दति तत् शृणु ॥ ४५ ॥

sve sve karmaNi abhirataH saMsiddhim labhate naraH |
svakarma nirataH siddhim yathA vindati tat zRNu || 45 ||

नरः [naraH] Human beings लभते [labhate] attain संसिद्धिम् [saMsiddhim] the ultimate goal अभिरतः [abhirataH] by being engaged स्वे स्वे कर्मणि [sve sve karmaNi] in their respective actions. शृणु [zRNu] Listen यथा [yathA] to the way in which स्वकर्म निरतः [svakarma nirataH] a person who is engaged is his work विन्दति [vindati] attains तत् सिद्धिम् [tat siddhim] that goal.

Humans attain the ultimate goal of Moksha by engaging in their respective actions, as described before. Listen to the way in which a person attains Moksha by being engaged in work.