
For Eternal Beginners

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18-47 second part

स्वभाव नियतम् कर्म कुर्वन् नाप्नोति किल्बिषम् ।

svabhAva niyatam karma kurvan nApnoti kilbiSam |

कुर्वन् [kurvan] By doing कर्म [karma] work स्वभाव नियतम् [svabhAva niyatam] according to his nature, न आप्नोति [na Apnoti] a person doesn’t obtain किल्बिषम् [kilbiSam] any guilt or fault.

A person inside this environment is constantly doing.

Work comes naturally to all of us, since our organs are always transacting with the environment - this is what they are meant for, by their very nature. By working, a person doesn’t obtain any guilt or fault - he doesn’t get tied down in this world. The work done has no flaws.

On the other hand, the exclusive pursuit of knowledge is achieved by controlling all our organs. Such control is difficult and prone to flaws. A person who dedicates himself to contemplation incurs guilt due to imperfect control. It ties him down in this world.

Hence, activity without attachment is indeed superior. The Lord recalls His statements in the third chapter: