
For Eternal Beginners

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असक्त बुद्धिः सर्वत्र जितात्मा विगतस्पृहः ।
नैष्कर्म्य सिद्धिम् परमाम् संन्यासेन अधिगच्छति ॥ ४९ ॥

asakta buddhiH sarvatra jitAtmA vigataspRhaH |
naiSkarmya siddhim paramAm saMnyAsena adhigacchati || 49 ||

जितात्मा [jitAtmA] A person conquers the mind असक्त बुद्धिः [asakta buddhiH] with intentions that are detached सर्वत्र [sarvatra] from all outcomes. विगतस्पृहः [vigataspRhaH] Such a person has lost possessiveness. अधिगच्छति [adhigacchati] He attains परमाम् सिद्धिम् [paramAm siddhim] the ultimate goal नैष्कर्म्य [naiSkarmya] of being free from action संन्यासेन [saMnyAsena] through renunciation.

A person conquers his own mind by being detached from all outcomes.

This person loses possessiveness and the illusion of making things happen, by having the conviction that the Lord is the One who makes things happen.

Endowed with renunciation and the conviction that it’s all about letting go , this person works and attains the ultimate goal of being free from the effects of action. This is identical to the outcome obtained through intense meditation and the exclusive contemplation of the Self.

By worshipping the Lord with our actions, we let go.

Calmness in the actions of our body comes through intense meditation, which will be described in the following Shlokas. The same calm is achieved by karmayOga , the technique of working without attachment.