
For Eternal Beginners

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सिद्धिम् प्राप्तो यथा ब्रह्म तथाप्नोति निबोध मे ।
समासेनैव कौन्तेय निष्ठा ज्ञानस्य या परा ॥ ५० ॥

siddhim prApto yathA brahma tathApnoti nibodha me |
samAsenaiva kaunteya niSThA jJAnasya yA parA || 50 ||

कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, तथा यथा [tathA yathA] the way in which सिद्धिम् प्राप्तः [siddhim prAptaH] a person who has obtained this outcome आप्नोति [Apnoti] achieves ब्रह्म [brahma] The Self, या परा निष्ठा [yA parA niSThA] the ultimate culmination ज्ञानस्य [jJAnasya] of knowledge - निबोध [nibodha] know it समासेन [samAsena] in a concise way मे [me] from Me.

This outcome of intense meditation is accomplished by working without attachment . It deserves to be practiced everyday till we depart from this body.

The Lord says ‘Know the way in which a person exists and attains the Self. I shall describe it now in a few words’. The specialty of the Self has been told in this Shloka as ‘the ultimate culmination of knowledge’. The Self is the ultimate entity attained by knowledge and meditation.