
For Eternal Beginners

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चेतसा सर्व कर्माणि मयि संन्यस्य मत्परः ।
बुद्धियोगम् उपाश्रित्य मत् चित्तः सततम् भव ॥ ५७ ॥

cetasA sarva karmANi mayi saMnyasya matparaH |
buddhiyogam upAzritya mat cittaH satatam bhava || 57 ||

संन्यस्य [saMnyasya] Leaving सर्व कर्माणि [sarva karmANi] all actions मयि [mayi] in Me चेतसा [cetasA] consciously, मत्परः [matparaH] have Me as your ultimate goal. उपाश्रित्य [upAzritya] In the sanctuary of बुद्धियोगम् [buddhiyogam] this engaged intellect, भव [bhava] be मत् चित्तः [mat cittaH] with My consciousness सततम् [satatam] always.

Be conscious that the Self belongs to the Lord and that it is in His control.

With this intellect, do as the Lord said in 3-30: Dedicate all activity in Me, The Supreme Lord. Keep our relationship in mind. Be uninterested in outcomes and don’t get stuck with the feeling of ‘it is mine’.

Leave all activity in Me, along with its subjects and its accomplishments. Be with the conviction that achieving Me is the outcome of all those actions.

Engaging in this way, your intellect becomes the sanctuary in which you are with My consciousness always.