
For Eternal Beginners

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यदि अहंकारम् आश्रित्य न योत्स्ये इति मन्यसे ।
मिथ्यैष व्यवसायः ते प्रकृतिः त्वाम् नियोक्ष्यति ॥ ५९ ॥

yadi ahaMkAram Azritya na yotsye iti manyase |
mithyaiSa vyavasAyaH te prakRtiH tvAm niyokSyati || 59 ||

आश्रित्य [Azritya] Standing in अहंकारम् [ahaMkAram] arrogance, यदि [yadi] if मन्यसे [manyase] you believe न योत्स्ये [na yotsye] that you will not fight, एष [eSa] this व्यवसायः [vyavasAyaH] strategy ते [te] of yours मिथ्या [mithyA] would never be reality - प्रकृतिः [prakRtiH] your environment नियोक्ष्यति [niyokSyati] would then impel त्वाम् [tvAm] you.

‘Arrogance’ is the belief that you are independent in determining what’s good for yourself and what’s not.

If you stand in such arrogance, disregard my instruction and believe that you will not fight, then this independent strategy of yours would never be reality. That’s because your environment would force you to fight.

That means - you would be knocked off My free will and unwittingly fall into the control of your environment.

If you aren’t working for the Lord, you are at the mercy of your environment.

The Lord explains further -