
For Eternal Beginners

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तमेव शरणम् गच्छ सर्व भावेन भारत ।
तत् प्रसादात् पराम् शान्तिम् स्थानम् प्राप्स्यसि शाश्वतम् ॥ ६२ ॥

tameva zaraNam gaccha sarva bhAvena bhArata |
tat prasAdAt parAm zAntim sthAnam prApsyasi zAzvatam || 62 ||

भारत [bhArata] Arjuna, शरणम् गच्छ [zaraNam gaccha] take refuge तम् एव [tam eva] in Him alone - सर्व भावेन [sarva bhAvena] in every way, with all your heart. प्राप्स्यसि [prApsyasi] You shall attain शान्तिम् [zAntim] contentment शाश्वतम् स्थानम् [zAzvatam sthAnam] and the position of eternity तत् प्रसादात् [tat prasAdAt] by His benevolence.

Things are the way they are, due to the Supreme Lord. Hence, approach Him alone.

The Supreme Lord controls everything and has tender affection towards those who have taken refuge in Him. Due to that affection, He takes on the role of the charioteer and instructs you.

Take refuge in Him with all your heart - follow Him wholeheartedly. Otherwise, you will remain ignorant of His reality and will remain driven by your experience of this environment, which is created by the Lord Himself.

Even then you will not be able to avoid activities such as this war. Acting in this manner would destroy you.

Hence, do your activities, including the activity of war, as instructed by the Lord. Working in this way, you shall achieve ultimate contentment by His benevolence. ‘Ultimate contentment’ is relief from all past deeds.

You will then attain the position of eternity, which has been described in many scriptures –

As in the पुरुषसूक्त [puruSasUkta] : ‘Those who are with the Lord see the ultimate abode of Vishnu perpetually’;

In यजुर्वेद [yajurveda] , 4-7-13: ‘Those who surrender to the Lord join those who are with Him in that flawless abode since beginning-less time’;

In नरयन [narayana] , ‘The eternal position isn’t achieved by wealth, by offspring or by deeds. It is achievable only by letting go ‘;

छान्दोग्य [chAndogya] , 3-12-7: ‘The path to the ultimate abode is not known to all. Those who have surrendered to the Lord attain that abode’;

कथ [katha] , 3-9: ‘That abode is beyond everything in this world, a place of supreme brilliance. There is nothing superior to it’. ‘Those who are guided by the knowledge of the Lord keep their minds under control and reach the ultimate abode’.