
For Eternal Beginners

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इति ते ज्ञानम् आख्यातम् गुह्यात् गुह्यतरम् मया ।
विमृश्यैतत् अशेषेण यथेच्छसि तथा कुरु ॥ ६३ ॥

iti te jJAnam AkhyAtam guhyAt guhyataram mayA |
vimRzyaitat azeSeNa yathecchasi tathA kuru || 63 ||

इति [iti] This ज्ञानम् [jJAnam] knowledge, गुह्यात् गुह्यतरम् [guhyAt guhyataram] which is more concealed than other secrets, आख्यातम् [AkhyAtam] was made known ते [te] to you मया [mayA] by Me. विमृश्य एतत् [vimRzya etat] Examining this अशेषेण [azeSeNa] in its entirety, तथा कुरु [tathA kuru] do यथा इच्छसि [yathA icchasi] as you please.

In this way, the knowledge of activity , contemplation and devotion was made known to you completely. People who desire Moksha must know it.

‘Secrets’ are facts that require effort to discover. This knowledge is more concealed than other secrets.

Review this entirety and do as you please, according to your eligibility - Choose to perform with your activity , by contemplation or by devotion , as you prefer.