
For Eternal Beginners

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मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी माम् नमस्कुरु ।
मामेवैष्यसि सत्यम् ते प्रतिजाने प्रियोसि मे ॥ ६५ ॥

manmanA bhava madbhakto madyAjI mAm namaskuru |
mAmevaiSyasi satyam te pratijAne priyosi me || 65 ||

मद्भक्तः [madbhaktaH] Be My devotee मन्मन भव [manmana bhava] and keep Me in your mind. मद्याजी [madyAjI] Take initiative to worship Me. माम् नमस्कुरु [mAm namaskuru] Adore and treasure Me as superior. मामेवैष्यसि [mAmevaiSyasi] You shall certainly attain Me. प्रतिजाने [pratijAne] I affirm सत्यम् [satyam] this fact ते [te] to you. प्रियः असि [priyaH asi] You are dear मे [me] to Me.

It is said in the पुरुषसूक्त [puruSasUkta] -

वेदाहम् एतम् पुरुषम् महान्तम् आदित्य वर्णम् तमसः परस्तात् । तमेवम् विद्वान् अमृत इह भवति । न अन्यः पन्था विद्यते अयनाय । [vedAham etam puruSam mahAntam Aditya varNam tamasaH parastAt | tamevam vidvAn amRta iha bhavati | na anyaH panthA vidyate ayanAya | ]

Meaning - I meditate on this supreme person, who is the color of the sun and is beyond the darkness of ignorance. Only by knowing Him, a person is free over here. There is no other path to The Goal.

Such scriptures describe the succession of the Lord’s thoughts, using words such as ‘ knowing ‘, ‘meditation’ and ‘worship’. It is equivalent to seeing the Lord, is very pleasant and is expressed by the directive ‘keep Me in your mind’.

‘Be My devotee’ - The Lord directs to adore Him without limit. This directive is to keep the train of His thoughts running by means of excessive adoration. Such a train of thought is pleasant beyond comparison.

‘Take initiative to worship Me’ - Adoring the Lord with reverence is very joyful. Enjoy the state of being eager to worship - to be completely occupied in service.

‘Adore and treasure Me as superior’ - Great devotion to Me is very pleasant. So is the recognition that I am superior. Practice such devotion.

The Lord warms up: Being in this way, you shall certainly achieve Me. I affirm this fact to you. I speak the truth. I’m not saying this merely to persuade you. That’s because you are very dear to Me.

It was stated in 7-17: ‘I am dear to this knowledgeable person , in a way that is definitely beyond description. He is dear to Me as well’ - I have huge adoration for the person who adores Me a lot. Being unable to tolerate any separation from him, I will ensure that he attains Me.

In this way, I declare that you shall achieve Me - this is a fact.

Surrender and let the Lord liberate you. Don’t worry.