
For Eternal Beginners

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इदम् ते नातपस्काय नाभक्ताय कदाचन ।
न चाशुश्रूषवे वाच्यम् न च माम् योऽभ्यसूयति ॥ ६७ ॥

idam te nAtapaskAya nAbhaktAya kadAcana |
na cAzuzrUSave vAcyam na ca mAm yo'bhyasUyati || 67 ||

इदम् ते [idam te] This awareness is for you. नातपस्काय [nAtapaskAya] It’s not for a person who doesn’t take the effort to think; न कदाचन अभक्ताय [na kadAcana abhaktAya] never for someone who isn’t devoted; न वाच्यम् अशुश्रूषवे [na vAcyam azuzrUSave] not to be told to someone who isn’t interested in listening; च न यो अभ्यसूयति मम् [ca na yo abhyasUyati mAm] and it’s not for a person who finds fault in My virtues.

This awareness is very subtle. It was told by Me for your sake.

Do not narrate it to someone who doesn’t take the effort to think.

It must never be told to someone who isn’t devoted to Me and doesn’t appreciate you, as the carrier of awareness. Meaning - even if a person has taken efforts to think and meditate, this knowledge isn’t for him, when he isn’t devoted to Me and to you.

Even if a person is devoted, this isn’t for him when he doesn’t have the intention to listen.

Finally, it’s not for the individual who finds fault whenever My virtues, My characteristics, and My possessions are described.

The emphasis on the individual at the end signifies that such a person must be avoided exclusively, while conveying this awareness.