
For Eternal Beginners

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न च तस्मात् मनुष्येषु कश्चिन् मे प्रियकृत्तमः ।
भविता न च मे तस्मात् अन्यः प्रियतरो भुवि ॥ ६९ ॥

na ca tasmAt manuSyeSu kazcin me priyakRttamaH |
bhavitA na ca me tasmAt anyaH priyataro bhuvi || 69 ||

[ca] Moreover, न कश्चित् [na kazcit] there is nobody मनुष्येषु [manuSyeSu] among humans प्रियकृत्तमः [priyakRttamaH] who has done something more likeable मे [me] for Me तस्मात् [tasmAt] than such a person. [ca] Further, न भविता [na bhavitA] there isn’t going to be तस्मात् अन्यः [tasmAt anyaH] anyone else प्रियतरो [priyataro] who is dearer मे [me] to Me भुवि [bhuvi] on earth.

Up until now, there hasn’t been any other human who has done something dearer for My sake. There isn’t going to be anyone else who is dearer to Me either.

Those who are unfit to receive this knowledge were described before describing those who deserve it. Revealing this to the unfit is less welcome than missing its revelation to a deserving person.

In the scriptures, usually the deserving characteristics are mentioned. It’s implied that those who don’t have such characteristics don’t deserve it. However, here the undeserving case is listed first, indicating that the instruction to avoid narrating the knowledge to them takes precedence.