
For Eternal Beginners

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अध्येष्यते च य इमम् धर्म्यम् संवादम् आवयोः ।
ज्ञान यज्ञेन तेनाहम् इष्टः स्याम् इति मे मतिः ॥ ७० ॥

adhyeSyate ca ya imam dharmyam saMvAdam AvayoH |
jJAna yajJena tenAham iSTaH syAm iti me matiH || 70 ||

मे मतिः [me matiH] I consider अहम् इष्टः स्याम् इति [aham iSTaH syAm iti] Myself to be cherished ज्ञान यज्ञेन [jJAna yajJena] by the pursuit of knowledge, तेन [tena] performed by the person यः [yaH] who अध्येष्यते [adhyeSyate] studies इमम् [imam] this धर्म्यम् [dharmyam] uplifting संवादम् [saMvAdam] conversation आवयोः [AvayoH] of ours.

The word धर्म्यम् [dharmyam] is translated to ‘uplifting’ over here. Dharma is the conduct that takes us from our current state-of-being to a superior state.

A person pursues knowledge by studying this uplifting conversation of ours. I am cherished by this pursuit - that’s my conviction.

This pursuit of knowledge was described as ज्ञानयज्ञ [jJAnayajJa] in 9-15: ‘they worship Me by studying the scriptures and understanding the meaning contained in them’. I am adored and worshipped by such study.