For Eternal Beginners
कच्चित् एतत् श्रुतम् पार्थ त्वयैकाग्रेण चेतसा ।
कच्चित् अज्ञान संमोहः प्रनष्टस्ते धनन्जय ॥ ७२ ॥
kaccit etat zrutam pArtha tvayaikAgreNa cetasA |
kaccit ajJAna saMmohaH pranaSTaste dhananjaya || 72 ||
Arjuna, कच्चित् एतत् श्रुतम्
[kaccit etat zrutam]
was this listened त्वया
by you एकाग्रेण चेतसा
[ekAgreNa cetasA]
with undivided attention? कच्चित् ते
[kaccit te]
Have your अज्ञान संमोहः
[ajJAna saMmohaH]
ignorance and delusion प्रनष्टः
left you, धनन्जय
O conqueror of wealth?
Did you listen to all that I told here with an attentive mind? Your delusion came from ignorance. Has it left you? Being overcome by such ignorance, you had stated that you will not fight.