
For Eternal Beginners

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सन्जय उवाच -
इत्यहम् वासुदेवस्य पार्थस्य च महात्मनः ।
संवादम् इमम् अश्रूषम् अद्भुतम् रोमहर्षणम् ॥ ७४ ॥

sanjaya uvAca -
ityaham vAsudevasya pArthasya ca mahAtmanaH |
saMvAdam imam azrUSam adbhutam romaharSaNam || 74 ||

सन्जय उवाच [sanjaya uvAca] Sanjaya said - इति [iti] Thus, अहम् अश्रूषम् [aham azrUSam] I listened to इमम् संवादम् [imam saMvAdam] this conversation वासुदेवस्य [vAsudevasya] between Krishna [ca] and महात्मनः [mahAtmanaH] the great man अर्जुन [arjuna] Arjuna. अद्भुतम् [adbhutam] It is marvelous रोमहर्षणम् [romaharSaNam] and fabulously stimulating.

This was the conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. We know Krishna as the son of Vasudeva, and his Arjuna as his cousin, a great man with a great intellect, who has taken refuge in the feet of the Lord.

I listened as it was spoken. It’s a conversation that’s marvelous and fabulously stimulating.