
For Eternal Beginners

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यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः ।
तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिः ध्रुवा नीतिः मतिर्मम ॥ ७८ ॥

yatra yogezvaraH kRSNo yatra pArtho dhanurdharaH |
tatra zrIrvijayo bhUtiH dhruvA nItiH matirmama || 78 ||

यत्र [yatra] Where there is कृष्णः [kRSNaH] Krishna, योगेश्वरः [yogezvaraH] the Lord of being; यत्र [yatra] where there is पार्थः [pArthaH] Arjuna धनुर्धरः [dhanurdharaH] with his bow - तत्र [tatra] that is where श्रीः [zrIH] prosperity, विजयः [vijayaH] victory, भूतिः [bhUtiH] wealth नीतिः [nItiH] and ethics ध्रुवा [dhruvA] stand firm. मम मतिः [mama matiH] This is my conviction.

Krishna is in each of us and He is our best friend. Everything we need will come to us.

Krishna is the Lord of being - everything that exists as superior, inferior, conscious or non-conscious has a nature, and a state-of-being that Lord Krishna owns. His will determines the form, state and continued existence of everything else.

Wherever there’s Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva and his cousin Arjuna, who has taken refuge in the Lord’s feet alone - that’s where prosperity, victory, wealth and ethics stand firm. Sanjaya concludes - ‘This is my conviction’.