
For Eternal Beginners

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आश्चर्यवत् पश्यति कश्चिदेनम्
आश्चर्यवत् वदति तथैव चान्यः ।
आश्चर्यवत् चैनम् अन्यः शृणोति
श्रुत्वाप्येनम् वेद न चैव कश्चित् ॥ २९ ॥

Azcaryavat pazyati kazcidenam
Azcaryavat vadati tathaiva cAnyaH |
Azcaryavat cainam anyaH zRNoti
zrutvApyenam veda na caiva kazcit || 29 ||

कश्चित् [kazcit] Someone पश्यति [pazyati] has a glimpse of एनम् [enam] this Self आश्चर्यवत् [Azcaryavat] and is astonished. तथैव [tathaiva] Just so, अन्यः [anyaH] another वदति [vadati] speaks about it, आश्चर्यवत् [Azcaryavat] astonished. अन्यः [anyaH] Another शृणोति [zRNoti] listens एनम् [enam] about the Self, आश्चर्यवत् [Azcaryavat] amazed. श्रुत्वापि [zrutvApi] Even after listening, न कश्चित् [na kazcit] no one वेद एव च [veda eva ca] knows it in its real form.

The Self is amazing and is unlike anything except itself. Its qualities have been mentioned before. One among many beings will see the Self by virtue of great perseverance, being rid of misdeeds and by virtuous actions.

Nobody knows the Self as it really is. This Shloka illustrates three ways of experiencing the Self - seeing, speaking and listening. Even through sight, speech and listening, it is extremely difficult to comprehend the Self in its actual form, to speak or to listen about it, as it really is.