
For Eternal Beginners

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देही नित्यमवध्योऽयम् देहे सर्वस्य भारत ।
तस्मात् सर्वाणि भूतानि न त्वम् शोचितुमर्हसि ॥ ३० ॥

dehI nityamavadhyo'yam dehe sarvasya bhArata |
tasmAt sarvANi bhUtAni na tvam zocitumarhasi || 30 ||

भारत [bhArata] Arjuna, अयम् देही [ayam dehI] this Self, which is the owner of the body नित्यम् अवध्यः [nityam avadhyaH] is ever indestructible सर्वस्य देहे [sarvasya dehe] inside every body. तस्मात् [tasmAt] Hence, त्वम् [tvam] you न अर्हसि [na arhasi] don’t need शोचितुम् [zocitum] to feel sad सर्वणि [sarvaNi] about all भूतानि [bhUtAni] beings.

It should be learnt that the Self owns the body, is situated inside the body and is never killed, even though everyone’s body perishes. That holds even for the bodies of gods .

Thus, the nature of the Self in all beings is the same and everlasting due to the characteristics mentioned above. It doesn’t matter if those beings have different forms, be they gods or just stationary organisms. Any differences in form and other temporary characteristics relate to the body alone. Hence, you don’t need to feel sad regarding any of the beings, including the Gods. Leave alone Bhishma and others.