For Eternal Beginners
यदृच्छया चोपपन्नम् स्वर्गद्वारम् अपावृतम् ।
सुखिनः क्षत्रिया पार्थ लभन्ते युद्धमीदृशम् ॥ ३२ ॥
yadRcchayA copapannam svargadvAram apAvRtam |
sukhinaH kSatriyA pArtha labhante yuddhamIdRzam || 32 ||
Arjuna, क्षत्रियाः
warriors सुखिनः
who are fortunate लभन्ते
get युद्द्ःअम्
a war ईदृशम्
such as this one, स्वर्गद्वारम् अपावृतम्
[svargadvAram apAvRtam]
which is like an open door to heaven, उपपन्नम्
obtained यर्दृच्छया
without even asking.
We get into situations by the will of the Lord. He is always with us.
Fortunate and virtuous warriors get to fight such a war. You have got this fight without even asking. It is a perfect path to attain unsurpassed joy.