
For Eternal Beginners

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अथ चेत्वमिमम् धर्म्यम् संग्रामम् न करिष्यसि ।
ततः स्वधर्मम् कीर्तिम् च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि ॥ ३३ ॥

atha cetvamimam dharmyam saMgrAmam na kariSyasi |
tataH svadharmam kIrtim ca hitvA pApamavApsyasi || 33 ||

अथ [atha] Even then, त्वम् न करिष्यसि चेत् [tvam na kariSyasi cet] if you do not perform इमम् [imam] this धर्म्यम् संग्रामम् [dharmyam saMgrAmam] righteous war, पापम् अवाप्स्यसि [pApam avApsyasi] you will incur misfortune, ततः हित्वा [tataH hitvA] having lost स्वधर्मम् [svadharmam] your conduct कीर्तिम् च [kIrtim ca] and your reputation.

To fight is the duty of a warrior. If you refuse to fight this ongoing war due to the effect of your emotions, you would abandon the duty that you began. You lose the incomparable joy that is the fruit of duty. You also miss the unmatched fame you gain by a victory. Instead, you only beget misfortune.